The India Music & Dance Society

Welcome Letter from Sruti President

Dear Sruti Members, Sponsors and Patrons,

Hope you all had a fantastic start to 2025! On behalf of the Sruti Board, I wanted to extend a warm welcome to you all to yet another art-filled year, as Sruti celebrates its 39th year! We are deeply appreciative of the consistent support and encouragement you have given Sruti that has sustained us and helped us thrive over the years.

We have an exciting Spring line-up starting with the Thyagaraja Aradhana on March 22nd! Aradhana practice sessions are starting this weekend, please come join us! (Aradhana participation registration will open on Sunday, Feb 23rd at 9 AM). We want to invite all those who have yet to purchase their 2025 sponsorships to please consider buying them at the earliest convenience. We thank those who have already done so. Please spread the word about Sruti to your circle of friends.

Sruti’s vision for 2025 includes focusing on these two areas:

  • Bringing in more volunteers to join hands with the board in executing the various events and activities.We invite you to sign up to volunteer in the areas that interest you from the ones we have identified.Once you have signed up, we will reach out to you for the next steps. Signup Link: Volunteer Signup Form
  • Getting more students of music and dance involved in Sruti. We request the teachers of music and dance in the area to encourage their students to avail of the Junior pass as well as joining the dynamic Sruti Youth Group(SYG). More to come on the activities of SYG this year.

Please feel free to contact us at with any queries at any time.

Thank you for your participation!
With Best Regards,

Rajee Padmanabhan
President – 2025


SRUTI, The India Music and Dance Society is a non-profit 501(C)(3) organization based in the Philadelphia region and founded in 1986

SRUTI is a volunteer-run organization. Its leadership comprises an elected Board of Directors and several committees. SRUTI publishes an annual magazine Sruti Ranjani and a periodical, SRUTI Notes. Every year, around 10 or more world class music and dance recitals are presented during the Spring and Fall seasons by SRUTI in the Greater Philadelphia area including the City, Suburbs and the State of Delaware.

About Us

Thyagaraja Aradhana

Flute Concert by Heramb Hemanth

Saturday, March 22, 2025 | 8:00 AM

Carnatic Vocal Concert

By Amrutha Venkatesh

Saturday, April 5, 2025

Carnatic Vocal Concert

By Saketharaman

Saturday, April 26, 2025