***** Registration is now closed. Happy practicing!! *****
Instructions and Guidelines:
A strict time limit of 6 minutes will be imposed. Only one song per participant will be allowed.
Please do not perform any Alapana, Niraval, or Kalpana swarams. This restriction does not apply to chittai swarams in the composition.
The registered song CANNOT be changed for any reason.
Priority of participant selection will be based on 2020 membership status according to the following priority levels until we reach 40 slots Priority 1: 2020 Sruti Sponsors, Priority 2: Life Members, Priority 3: Annual Members – Sponsorships are available at https://www.sruti.org/membership/sponsorship-information/
The order of participants will be sent out a few days before the event. We will be unable to honor specific time requests.
Participants can use accompanists, if they are from the same household. However, no solo for accompanists is allowed and accompanists cannot take time to string or prepare their instruments. Total presentation time is still limited to 6 minutes.
Participants must be available to perform in the allotted slot. Participants must be present when their turn is announced or else we may not be able to accommodate.
Please follow online meeting etiquette including proper attire and muting yourself when not presenting.
We strongly encourage participants to stay online for all the sessions and listen to the other participants as a courtesy.