Sruti Youth Group (SYG)


Sruti Youth Group (SYG) is an ad-hoc committee instituted by the Sruti Board, consisting entirely of youth volunteers. The group is intended to provide the next generation an opportunity to develop their skills in leadership, communication and project management, ultimately supporting the long-term sustainability of Sruti as an organization. Members of the youth committee act as ambassadors among youth for Sruti’s overall aspirations.

The purpose of this document is to provide some guidelines to the organization and duties of this group. It is a living document, and should be changed or modified as needed based on learnings from the functioning of the group.

Group Organization and Leadership
● Membership is open to children of Sruti members who are are in 7th grade through high school and have a keen interest in performing arts such as music and dance.
● Children of life/annual members of Sruti are only eligible to become members of SYG. The SYG functions will be directed by a Youth Committee (YC), elected by the members
themselves under the guidance of a Sruti Board representative/mentor.
● The YC will be led by two co-presidents — a senior and either a junior or senior — serving a six-month term. This structure acknowledges that many elected presidents will be high school seniors who must balance their leadership roles with academic commitments. Additionally, it creates opportunities for more students to develop their leadership skills.
● Co-presidents must have served as a volunteer for at least one year in SYG and submit a recommendation letter from a current or previous Sruti Board member. They must’ve attended a minimum of 3 concerts per season. Co-presidents will be appointed by the board based on their fulfillment of the stated criteria. If multiple students express interest, the Youth Committee will conduct elections to determine the appointments. The YC will have the following office positions that will be appointed by the co-presidents, with preference given to high school aged kids:
○ Two social media & communications leads
○ Event coordinators (Aradhana and Sruti Youth Day)
○ Content and publications lead
● All YC members should obtain a letter from the parent permitting their child to be nominated to the position.
● Should any member resign during a year, the SYG will hold elections within a month. If this is not practically feasible, the Sruti Board president will, in consultation with the Sruti Board Mentor, nominate a replacement to that position for the remainder of the term.


Co-Presidents ● Responsible for the overall functioning of Sruti Youth Group.
● Organize video or audio interviews of artists ensuring equal opportunity for the youth committee members.
● Oversee the execution of Sruti Youth Day.
● Organize volunteer activities for Sruti events as needed [ushering, seating, stage setup/takedown assistance].
● Foster and coordinate out-reach activities by organizing at least one outreach event during their term. The objective is to create interest in Sruti among local area youth.
Social Media Leads ● Recording video snippets of Sruti events and artist interviews.
● Create social media content to help promote Sruti events.
● Make videos and photographs available to the marketing / publication committee as needed.
Event coordinators (Aradhana and Sruti
Youth Day)
● Responsible for the executing the Youth activities for Aradhana.
● Responsible for the executing Sruti Youth Day activities.
Content and publications lead● Responsible for youth participation in creating content for blogs, Sruti publications like Aradhana souvenir and Sruti Ranjani.
● Assist Sruti marketing committee in creating marketing flyers and other promotional material.

All material including Photographs, Videos, Interviews, Articles produced by the Sruti Youth Group are the property of Sruti and any interest in reproduction or use for non-Sruti purposes is prohibited unless prior permission has been obtained from the BOD.

Sruti Youth Group (SYG) Activities List

A list of activities that will be available for SYG members is given below. The activities will be as widely and fairly distributed as possible with a Board Mentor’s support.
● Volunteer for Sruti event logistics
○ Door ticket checks
○ Seating
● Volunteer for audio set up /logistics **
● Strum Tambura where artists request for it ( this needs practice and vetting by a knowledgeable musician ) **
● Write articles for Sruti publications
● Create art for Sruti publications
● Set up interview questions and conduct interview where permission was granted , in consultation with a board mentor **
● Video Record the interview and edit/curate the content of the recorded interviews **
● Upload content to SYG YouTube channel in consultation with Board mentor **
● Maintain the content of the SYG channel in consultation with a Board mentor **
● Mentor and bring in other youngsters into SYG
● Support outreach activities by bringing forward ideas for sharing Indian music and dance in schools and so on. **
** It is recommended that these activities are led by high school students.